I am a person. Not perfect and also not a PUSHOVER.
Way back at the age of dinosaurs (college), I always have an indirect way of explaining myself and providing evidence that my ass is not a pushover. It was very effective. It was blogging.
Simply put, for the people who remembers Miss Butt crack: When the sections were reshuffled and I fortunately dropped on hers. Wow, first impression about this person: Bee-otch! Well, you know what people say, first impressions were not really true but... screw those people. It was, absolutely a fact. My goodness, the way this person makes "irap" and deliver killer side glances, it would make you think: "What did I do, Ms.-head-soo-inappropriate-for-ur-skeletonized-body?". I will never want to remember other horrible things she did. I mean, I have not talked or offended you in any way, so please, leave moi A-lone! Well, one day, my sneaky ass found something against her and I wrote it online, of course without a name and people loved it. The next thing I know, this person was goody-goody friendly to me. Sad to say, this person has no idea that she was one of the people I wrote. When she found out, she was not goody-goody anymore, she treated me more as a person.