Thursday, June 28, 2012

50 Things Every High School Student Must Do

Nothing serious. These are the things any high school students should do before they graduate. Some of which were derived from my past high school experience. Most of these are things I did and few were things I wish I did. Nevertheless, a little rebellion won't hurt because it is an interesting part of life that sooner or later you will be proud of. 
  1. Embrace your school spirit
  2. Love the Flag Ceremony Experience
  3. Enjoy your youth
  4. Take down notes
  6. Be a leader... lead your self if no one follows
  7. Before you attempt to drink your first ever alcohol, make sure you drink with your parents first
  8. Be a choir member: for good ventilation and view during mass
  9. Make a male classmate cry. Guaranteed: priceless
  10. Love Elias, screw Ibarra
  11. Hide well while eating your snack during class
  12. Bring your own pad paper
  13. Be prepared for reptile attacks
  14. Be unique in creating your sleeping style
  15. Make your teacher mad, make them cry not because you did something disappointing but because you made them proud
  16. Apply face powder and make sure you don't look like a maltreated geisha
  17. Speak in English only when the English Marshals are around
  18. At least once in a while send yourself to the principal's office 
  19. Bring your own water and don't share, let your classmates wilt.
  20. Make sure that you know how to play at least 1 instrument, make sure it is a guitar
  21. Hoard for extra curricular activities
  22. Be prepared for pimples
  23. Don't mind the anorexic girls
  24. It won't hurt to be mean sometimes
  25. Get even when nobody is looking
  26. Get yourself a good pair of ankle socks.. printed ones pls.
  27. Let the guard shut the gates at your face for being late, at least once in a while
  28. If you are late, write this reason at your tardiness slip: WOKE UP LATE, even if you didn't
  29. Make sure that you know how to play at least one sport, guaranteed 85% and above grade for that quarter
  30. Doodle at your notes
  31. Crush the balls of the school bully, hit him/her intellectually
  32. Break the mirror of your narcissistic classmate
  33. Study your lessons before hand or if you want a day before the exams. suit yourself
  34. Pick a fight, make sure you win
  35. Make a classmate jealous
  36. Say something dumb but laugh at yourself after.
  37. Break a sweat
  38. Bring a camera and capture moments no matter how unmemorable they are. Never will you regret it.
  39. Cut class and hide somewhere the maintenance people won't see you.
  40. Do the best you can in everything.
  41. Do whatever you want to do, even if it pisses people.
  42. Express your free spirit even if people finds it weird.
  43. If you ever get yourself drunk, whatever you will say and do, will be tomorrow's "joke of the day."
  44. Please, remember your deadlines.
  45. Be an actor/actress, it works when dodging sanctions.
  46. Give the best advice to a person in need. If they don't listen, enjoy watching them crash and burn.
  47. Before smiling, check your teeth
  48. Before jumping into the pool for swimming lessons or before attempting to wear sleeveless shirts... shave your armpits!
  49. Love your friends unconditionally.
  50. Prioritize your studies. There are just some things that we can always do later.

Coming soon: 1 Billion Things Every High School Student Must Do
                        A Gazillion-Bajillion Things Every High School Student Must Do

Yours sincerely,