- Embrace your school spirit
- Love the Flag Ceremony Experience
- Enjoy your youth
- Take down notes
- Be a leader... lead your self if no one follows
- Before you attempt to drink your first ever alcohol, make sure you drink with your parents first
- Be a choir member: for good ventilation and view during mass
- Make a male classmate cry. Guaranteed: priceless
- Love Elias, screw Ibarra
- Hide well while eating your snack during class
- Bring your own pad paper
- Be prepared for reptile attacks
- Be unique in creating your sleeping style
- Make your teacher mad, make them cry not because you did something disappointing but because you made them proud
- Apply face powder and make sure you don't look like a maltreated geisha
- Speak in English only when the English Marshals are around
- At least once in a while send yourself to the principal's office
- Bring your own water and don't share, let your classmates wilt.
- Make sure that you know how to play at least 1 instrument, make sure it is a guitar
- Hoard for extra curricular activities
- Be prepared for pimples
- Don't mind the anorexic girls
- It won't hurt to be mean sometimes
- Get even when nobody is looking
- Get yourself a good pair of ankle socks.. printed ones pls.
- Let the guard shut the gates at your face for being late, at least once in a while
- If you are late, write this reason at your tardiness slip: WOKE UP LATE, even if you didn't
- Make sure that you know how to play at least one sport, guaranteed 85% and above grade for that quarter
- Doodle at your notes
- Crush the balls of the school bully, hit him/her intellectually
- Break the mirror of your narcissistic classmate
- Study your lessons before hand or if you want a day before the exams. suit yourself
- Pick a fight, make sure you win
- Make a classmate jealous
- Say something dumb but laugh at yourself after.
- Break a sweat
- Bring a camera and capture moments no matter how unmemorable they are. Never will you regret it.
- Cut class and hide somewhere the maintenance people won't see you.
- Do the best you can in everything.
- Do whatever you want to do, even if it pisses people.
- Express your free spirit even if people finds it weird.
- If you ever get yourself drunk, whatever you will say and do, will be tomorrow's "joke of the day."
- Please, remember your deadlines.
- Be an actor/actress, it works when dodging sanctions.
- Give the best advice to a person in need. If they don't listen, enjoy watching them crash and burn.
- Before smiling, check your teeth
- Before jumping into the pool for swimming lessons or before attempting to wear sleeveless shirts... shave your armpits!
- Love your friends unconditionally.
- Prioritize your studies. There are just some things that we can always do later.
Waste land of thoughts. Nursing. Nothings. And my Delusional Quest for World Domination