I am sorry if I have to talk about passing the NLE. I do feel that this is the most triumphant day of my life. Four years of my hard work, I won’t let it flush down the toilet. I know that I have to work hard so I gave up most of the things that I know would affect me. Things that can hinder me from passing. I do believe that little sacrifices can yield great rewards, it did for me.
What do you have to give up?
My diet
I have been fat since day one but if you have seen me during review, I look like the abominable snowwoman. I shed a bit pounds now so somehow you’ll find me quite smaller now.
Writing Blogs
Writing blogs require a lot of thinking so is our review. Priority, priority, priority? Septe! No, actually it’s passing the board exam.
Taking pictures
I really love taking pictures but I figured that if I take pictures most of the day, I would be distracted. I know it’s silly but what do I have to lose? It’s just 3-4 months, I can do it.

Time out with family and friends
Ever since review started, I never get to come out of the house and let Laguna sun shine on me. When my dad arrived from Africa, they would usually go out somewhere and I am always left at school with tons of hand outs and burned eye brows.

Reading books (non nursing)
I promised myself to read the books at our house but I couldn’t. All I have in my arms were reviewers and books. I can’t even touch Bob Ong, Gabriel García Márquez and Jessica Zafra, forgive me book friends…. Priority, priority, priority? Septe!

Ho, ho! For me, internet comes with blogging. Less internet means less blogging. Less blogging means no staying up late until 3am.
Watching TV
I am not really fond of watching TV but I watch it anyways. However, I have quite a few favorite shows that I missed and that sucks. Well hey! I’m a board passer and I can now use the net in wee hours of the night and down load the full season! Ha!
Cutting class
It may seem that my ass is fucking "righteous" (as most shit heads refers to it) but I do bad stuff too, but I keep it clean so that no one will ever know.
Sometimes, it bores me when while reviewing. I have quite a few friends who cut class to go somewhere. As much as I want to, I can’t because it is my S-A-C-R-I-F-I-C-E. It is all worth it anywayz that’s why there are no regrets that I ever felt.

In my lifetime, this is the big sacrifice that my eyes cried blood but nevertheless, it was all sweet in the end.
What do you have to give up?
My diet
I have been fat since day one but if you have seen me during review, I look like the abominable snowwoman. I shed a bit pounds now so somehow you’ll find me quite smaller now.
Writing Blogs
Writing blogs require a lot of thinking so is our review. Priority, priority, priority? Septe! No, actually it’s passing the board exam.

Taking pictures
I really love taking pictures but I figured that if I take pictures most of the day, I would be distracted. I know it’s silly but what do I have to lose? It’s just 3-4 months, I can do it.
Time out with family and friends
Ever since review started, I never get to come out of the house and let Laguna sun shine on me. When my dad arrived from Africa, they would usually go out somewhere and I am always left at school with tons of hand outs and burned eye brows.
Reading books (non nursing)
I promised myself to read the books at our house but I couldn’t. All I have in my arms were reviewers and books. I can’t even touch Bob Ong, Gabriel García Márquez and Jessica Zafra, forgive me book friends…. Priority, priority, priority? Septe!
Ho, ho! For me, internet comes with blogging. Less internet means less blogging. Less blogging means no staying up late until 3am.
Watching TV
I am not really fond of watching TV but I watch it anyways. However, I have quite a few favorite shows that I missed and that sucks. Well hey! I’m a board passer and I can now use the net in wee hours of the night and down load the full season! Ha!
Cutting class
It may seem that my ass is fucking "righteous" (as most shit heads refers to it) but I do bad stuff too, but I keep it clean so that no one will ever know.
Sometimes, it bores me when while reviewing. I have quite a few friends who cut class to go somewhere. As much as I want to, I can’t because it is my S-A-C-R-I-F-I-C-E. It is all worth it anywayz that’s why there are no regrets that I ever felt.
In my lifetime, this is the big sacrifice that my eyes cried blood but nevertheless, it was all sweet in the end.
The root of education is bitter, but the fruit of education is sweet. –Sir bereber, HS Chem teacher